later revealed: "When I looked at the video, I — it was, like, shocking
…," You can't imagine that you might have a twin sister somewhere that you
don't know about."
several exchanges, the two realized that they were identical twins born in
Busan, South Korea, where they were given away for adoption at three months
about her feeling when she met her twin, Futerman said " (it’s) that
feeling on Christmas when you open up the presents, the one you were asking
for, it's that — that pure feeling of joy." They have since met several
times and are currently working on a documentary film about their stories.
Do you sometimes have the feeling that your
life seems to be incomplete? That a part of you need to belong? The reason of
Christ in becoming a man was to reveal the Father (John 1:14, 18) and to redeem humanity, through his crucifixion. By doing so, He showed us the way
towards completion, towards perfection.
We belong to the Father, and Jesus told us, “In my Father's house are many rooms. If it
were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” (John
14:2) We are meant to reunite with our Father, and that would be more than pure
feeling of joy. The prophet Habakkuk describes
it in this manner, "His radiance is
like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand." (Hab. 3:4a).
The joy is beyond human comprehension.
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