Since last week though, the number of viewers came to an all-time low, and I wondered. Were my writings no longer inspired by the Holy Spirit as only so few cared to read? Further investigation revealed though that the site that I used for Blotfree had been bought by another entity when we failed to renew the contract on time. The name Blotfree is now being used to sell items, with no relation to God’s Word whatsoever. Sad, isn’t it?
I didn’t realize that somebody would find interest in taking away the site identity, but I was wrong. I may have to start from scratch to connect once more to regular viewers and potential readers.
It’s one of those risks that we encounter in pursuing our faith. There are always people who take the Word of God in their lips, yet twist these for their own personal benefit. Thus we are warned: "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)
We are never safe from the devil and his minions: “I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.” (Acts 20:29)
Always we must be alert on the possible ambush that Satan pursues along the paths that we take, whether in the physical world or the worldwide web. We are in a spiritual war and each battle is important in every front.
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