Use of cannabis is permissible in Canada and Czech Republic. Euthanasia is legal in Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Abortion is allowed in France, Austria, and Italy, among others. Prostitution is accepted in Germany, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Panama, Australia and New Zealand, to name some.
Same-sex marriage is admissible in 11 countries including Belgium, Spain, South Africa, Portugal and Argentina. In almost all countries, usury has long been legalized with banks and lending companies charging interest rates sans regulation. Except for the Philippines and the Vatican City, every nation in the world has divorce laws.
Even Moses allowed divorce; yet he did so because of the hardness of heart of the Jews. “And Pharisees came up and in order to test him asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?" He answered them, "What did Moses command you?" They said, "Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away." But Jesus said to them, "For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment.” (Luke 10:2-5)
Satan has contaminated the world, through people demanding equal rights, inculcating freedom of choice and questioning the existence of God. An elderly and retired Anglican pastor could only sigh in disbelief on liberal lifestyle of his children and grandchildren. He said that “they abandoned God in favor of freedom and material progress.”
The priest during the Mass I attended on October 7, 2012 in Holy Cross Parish, Henderson went to the extent to saying that the world has become “Sodom and Gomorrah”. He said that the faithful have to make their voices heard in the ongoing debate on the proposed legislation on gay marriage in New Zealand.
People have stretched God’s patience. Politicians have compromised the larger community by listening to the minority who create so much noise and cry “discrimination” if opposed. We know that God is a patient God, as He delayed the great flood for 120 years, so people would change their ways. But they did not. “Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3)
Humankind because of sin has upset and angered God. But He wants us redeemed through His Son, Jesus Christ, “Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.” (Galatians 1:4) But Jesus can only deliver us, if we become His disciples, if we take up His cross to save ourselves and humankind.
For me stretching Gods patience is when he gives you a disease as sort of a calling that he wants you to pass on to the phases of death so you may be with him, now with the technology and medicines and medical wonders in hand, which of course you would avail to save your life, you are only delaying the inevitable that you will soon be with your creator and that you are stretching his patience.
ReplyDeleteOne more scenario is that we as humans do sin and that we also pray for forgiveness every time we commit sins. Our merciful father sent his son to redeem us all if only we come and accept his son. thus asking for forgiveness thru Jesus is the only way to go and thus we are forgiven. But as time goes by we repeat our sins over and over and we ask forgiveness over and over thus we are again stretching Gods patience.