Monday 24 September 2012


Fr Elmer, in his Homily, related how he would go back to his hometown and connect with his buddies. On one occasion, a family member who was active in one of the laity associations in the parish whispered in his ear that he shouldn’t be associating himself with BIs. He asked for clarification and was told that some of his old friends were “Bad Influence”. It didn’t look good for a priest to be seen with persons of questionable character he was told. He did not heed the advice, preferring to maintain his friendship with the BIs.

He said that Jesus was confronted with a similar admonition from the Pharisees, when He told Matthew to follow him and ate in the latter’s house. “’The Pharisees saw this and said to his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" He heard this and said, 'Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.'" (Matthew 9:11-13)

The Pharisees were wrong about Matthew. Not only did he become one of the Twelve Apostles, he authored one of the Gospels, and died as a martyr. St Matthew, who was labeled “BI”, had become a “GI”, or God’s Instrument.

It is therefore wrong to simply write-off people we perceive as “BI”, for if we, as GIs, are able to touch their hearts, they may turn out to be GIs as well.

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