Tuesday 10 July 2012

Do Count Your Blessings

Most people wish they’d win the lotto; thinking that all their dreams and aspirations will come true with the cash windfall. While there are inspiring stories of winners who share their prizes to worthy causes and charitable institutions; there are also tragic tales of families torn apart and of individuals falling into the trappings of temptation and excesses. There are also those who become frustrated that the material wealth that they long does not happen.

But if one just looks at life on a day-to-day basis, there are packets of joy and happiness that come our way. Obviously, waking up in the morning is such a thrill, for we’ve been given another day to share with our loved ones, and the rest of the world. Oftentimes, simple little things (like laughter, a warm ‘hello’, a hug, an offer of help) are often ignored; as individuals long for that big-time ‘happiness’. If you’ve seen Adam Sandler’s “Click”, then you know what I mean.

In this issue of CORD, our cover story is about Cattski Espina who recently released an album, after a hiatus of two years from playing with the band. To her the album, 00:00:00, is “my new child…my life”, and what gives her joy is for her “music to find its way first to your ears, and then to your hearts.” We also feature performers like the BeeGees and Donna Summer who we remember not just for creating Top 40 hits, but also making us dance during the disco years. Jessica Sanchez is in this issue, whom many expected to win American Idol 2012, but wound up one notch short. She said that it was enough that she was able to give her very best and that winning was secondary.

For my part, a packet of joy and happiness I experienced recently was singing a duet with my 5-year old grandson, Jeydi, “My Favorite Things” before family and friends. It is one of those moments that is forever treasured in life.

Do count your blessings each day.

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