Tuesday 8 May 2012

Jesus Heals Cancer

The Equippers Church in Napier placed on its billboard the following message, ‘Jesus heals cancer’ with a tally of six cancer-stricken people who were healed.  It also contained the Bible verse, "Jesus heals every sickness and every disease - Matthew 4:23''.

A mother, whose 3-year old son is being treated for leukemia, said that the sign as "offensive and upsetting''.  “It’s totally disrespectful and hurtful to those that have lost loved ones to cancer or are caring for loved ones with cancer and waiting for them to die. How dare they make a claim like this. It is false advertising.''

The Advertising Standards Authority, persuaded by the submissions of nine complainants, ruled that the advert breached the code of ethics, as it had "neither been prepared nor displayed with the due sense of social responsibility required.''

Instead of waiting for the ruling of the ASA, the church, removed the ‘controversial’ message, saying that  it never intended to cause offence with the billboard, but acknowledged it may have done so to some members of the community,

Church officials said the original statement was an expression of Christian beliefs and was supported by results. "Our belief is substantiated by the fact six people within our congregation have testified to Jesus healing them from cancer. It is also our passion to provide a place of support, hope and healing as we seek to build and encourage people in their relationship with Jesus.''

In an environment of political correctness, the expression of one’s faith and belief has often been labeled as insensitive to non-Christians, atheists and agnostics.  To be respectful, in secular societies, is to keep your faith to yourself, and not bother others. What has become of the world? Why do people not listen? Why do people not want to see the Truth? “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.” (Revelation 2:29)

How should we believers open the hearts of those who doubt the saving power of the Lord? “Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world.” 1 Peter 2:12

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