The news agency
Zenit reported that “(t)he 86-year-old pope emeritus said he had not witnessed
a vision of God but had undergone a months-long "mystical experience"
during which God gave him the "absolute desire" to forge a deeper relationship
with him. Benedict also said that the more he witnessed the
"charisma" of his extremely popular successor, Pope Francis, the more
he understood how his stepping aside was the ‘will of God.’”
St Paul had a mystical experience, but one which was
“wholly exceptional and unique” – the Lord’s body which was in heaven returned
to the earth so as to elect Paul as the special vessel of his grace.”
According to one author “true mysticism is not focused on
"experiences" (which come and go) but with the lasting experience of
God, leading to the transformation of the believer into union with God...Jesus
proclaimed "I and the Father are one," (Jn. 10.30) showing the world
what the union of God and man can be. Christian mysticism is about nothing else
but this transforming union.”
Benedict XVI, who resides in a monastery inside the
Vatican walls, no longer makes public appearances and rarely meets visitors.
In this internet age when people long for connectivity
with the rest of the world, Benedict has instead opted for connectivity with
God. So blessed is he, as God has given him that mystical link.
Pray for us Benedict; pray that this troubled world will
find its way back to the Lord.